Kickstart Your Sustainable Design Journey with These Books


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Fifty-two years ago today, Earth Day was established to highlight critical environmental issues, sparking significant changes like the creation of the EPA and landmark regulations such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act. While we’ve made impressive strides since the 1970s, much work must be done to safeguard our planet and ensure a brighter and healthier future for all.

Design plays a crucial role in advancing this mission. Awareness is essential for fostering a sustainable present and future. In honor of Earth Day and Salesforce’s commitment to sustainability, we aim to empower designers to embed sustainability into their work.

We’re sharing some classic books, tools, and projects foundational to sustainable design to support you. These resources are designed to inspire and guide you, whether you’re starting your sustainability journey or seeking to deepen your practice.

Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change by Victor Papanek

It’s a remarkable coincidence that this book was published just a year after the first Earth Day and quickly gained a near-cult status among both designers and the general public. Victor Papanek, renowned as a design visionary, is celebrated for his impactful design theory, which he shared through six influential books and his teaching roles at institutions like Rhode Island School of Design and Purdue University.

Design for the Real World is essential reading for anyone interested in design. While Papanek’s text can be critical about the state of the world, it also offers a framework for responsible design. To illustrate Papanek’s direct and insightful approach, consider these chapter titles: “Do-It-Yourself Murder: Social and Moral Responsibilities of Design” and “Our Kleenex Culture: Obsolescence and Value.”

Ecological Design by Sim Van Der Ryn

Today, sustainable design is a broad and dynamic field, but it wasn’t always so. As noted by the New York Times, “Long before sustainability became a catchphrase, there was Sim Van der Ryn, a pioneering force in the eco-frontier.” His seminal book, Ecological Design, published in 1996, ignited discussions, fostered collaboration, and introduced a new perspective on green design.

The book delves into creating buildings, products, and landscapes with reduced environmental impact, featuring real-world examples from architecture, industrial ecology, agriculture, and more. It also offers a framework for harmonizing human design with natural systems, providing valuable lessons for any designer looking to evolve in their practice.

Cradle to Cradle by Bill McDonough and Michael Braungart

In crafting Cradle to Cradle, architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart developed a design framework inspired by three principles drawn from nature:

  1. Everything is a resource for something else.
  2. Use clean and renewable energy.
  3. Celebrate diversity.

Their book presents a holistic approach that integrates both human and environmental well-being. It promotes a paradigm shift where we view ourselves as part of natural systems, revealing opportunities for innovation and improved design. This framework encourages collaboration to enhance our creations and contribute to a better world. Beyond the book, products can earn Cradle to Cradle Certified® status, signifying they are safe, circular, and produced responsibly.

Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows

Thinking in Systems is often described as “a simple book about a complex world.” As an introduction to systems thinking, it stands out for its accessibility and clarity. The book offers valuable insights into deconstructing large systems to understand the small details that can make a big difference.

For designers, systems thinking is a cornerstone of human-centered design, enabling a circular approach that aligns seamlessly with sustainable design principles. Meadows combines practical examples, philosophy, and theory, but what truly stands out is her dedication to making this intricate subject approachable for everyone.

Tools and Projects

Toolkit: The Digital Ethics Compass

Created by The Danish Design Center, this elegantly designed toolkit consists of seven downloadable PDFs that guide you in applying an ethical perspective to your work. It features exercises like “20 Questions from an Ethics Professor” and “New Perspectives.” Use these tools to explore how sustainability can be integrated into your design practices.

Climate Change AI

Interested in how machine learning can address climate change? Founded in 2019, this project brings together volunteers from various fields to advance community, education, infrastructure, and dialogue on climate solutions. Discover their work or join the effort to make a difference.

Zero Waste Design Guidelines

NYC aims to eliminate landfill waste by 2030, with design playing a key role in this initiative. This comprehensive 270-page PDF provides case studies, proposed solutions, and theoretical insights. It boldly declares that “Waste is a design flaw,” emphasizing the need for innovative, waste-reducing design strategies.

Incorporating these tools and projects into your design practice can significantly enhance your approach to sustainability and ethics. The Digital Ethics Compass provides a practical framework for integrating ethical considerations into your work, while Climate Change AI demonstrates the powerful role of technology in tackling climate challenges. Additionally, the Zero Waste Design Guidelines offer actionable insights and strategies for reducing waste through thoughtful design. By leveraging these resources, you can contribute to a more sustainable and responsible design landscape, aligning your projects with the pressing environmental and ethical issues of our time.

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About the Author – Gaurav Verma

Gaurav Verma is a UX Designer with a passion for sustainability, known for his expertise in creating user-centric experiences. An avid reader and writer, he combines his love for design with a commitment to environmental stewardship, seeking innovative solutions that prioritize both user needs and ecological responsibility.

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