Tag: Environment

  • What is Digital Sustainability? Digital sustainability is about creating and maintaining digital products and services in a way that minimizes their environmental impact, fosters positive social outcomes, and supports long-term economic viability. It’s a holistic approach that considers the entire lifecycle of digital solutions. Why Does it Matter for Designers? As a designer, our choices…


  • What Is Sustainable UX? Every action taken by The Sustainable UX impacts the planet. From recycling and water conservation to adopting electric options and minimizing environmental footprints – each effort contributes positively. But what about the digital realm? Yes, web and mobile apps also wield significant influence on environmental damage. According to the IEA, the…


  • Lately, the Earth has been facing significant challenges. It’s clear that our planet is struggling to support itself. Shocking numbers show that we’ve lost a massive 68% of our forests. In the midst of this crisis, we’re left wondering: How can we stop this destruction? One possible answer is to adopt eco-friendly design. This approach…


  • In today’s interconnected world, digital design plays a pivotal role in shaping our daily experiences. From websites and mobile apps to digital marketing materials and interactive platforms, digital design has become ubiquitous in our lives. However, with this widespread adoption comes an often-overlooked consequence: the environmental impact of digital design practices. Understanding the Environmental Footprint…
