Tag: UX Design

  • What is Digital Sustainability? Digital sustainability is about creating and maintaining digital products and services in a way that minimizes their environmental impact, fosters positive social outcomes, and supports long-term economic viability. It’s a holistic approach that considers the entire lifecycle of digital solutions. Why Does it Matter for Designers? As a designer, our choices…


  • Explore sustainable design guides, toolkits, and frameworks offering structured approaches and best practices for minimizing environmental impact. From the Cradle-to-Cradle framework to Design for Sustainability toolkits, these resources equip designers to implement sustainable principles effectively, fostering an eco-friendlier future. “Sustainability” in design focuses on minimizing environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions. Design choices, from tool…


  • What Is Sustainable UX? Every action taken by The Sustainable UX impacts the planet. From recycling and water conservation to adopting electric options and minimizing environmental footprints – each effort contributes positively. But what about the digital realm? Yes, web and mobile apps also wield significant influence on environmental damage. According to the IEA, the…


  • Lately, the Earth has been facing significant challenges. It’s clear that our planet is struggling to support itself. Shocking numbers show that we’ve lost a massive 68% of our forests. In the midst of this crisis, we’re left wondering: How can we stop this destruction? One possible answer is to adopt eco-friendly design. This approach…


  • While many of us might be aware of terms such as “Sustainability” or “Green Tech,” and could probably think of a few ways to implement upon them, there are, however, more than a few challenges that one might face on a daily basis. And this is where Sustainable UX or Green UX can play a…
